
Sunday, 11 September 2011

Night 14

It is the last night of our fourteen day 100% detox and I am contemplating the short amazing journey we have had.
I feel like we experienced every challenge, difficulty, experience and joy from the lifestyle of a raw food diet all in two short weeks.
These are some of the things I felt, learnt and I also wish to spend a moment appreciating and thanking those around me.

  • I have felt the joy and lightness of feeding my body the nutrition it needs.
  • The new levels of creativity with food and the effect on my other creative pursuits.
  • The supposed difficulties of eating out and the welcoming surprise of accommodating places around Wellington.
  • The attitudes from various social groups we have and the overwhelming feeling of positively influencing other peoples lives without doing anything but your true and highest purpose.
  • The situations of "caving" and learning how best to deal and prepare for those situations.
  • The surprise on friends faces when they try a green smoothie or a raw dessert and the amazing taste the sense.
  • Learning the importance of a support person or group and how much your eating habits affects your life, social group and family.
  • How raw food challenges everything society believes and that to shove it in their face can create a hostile situation very quickly.
  • The immense love and gratitude I feel for my boyfriend Cameron through this journey and the amount of those gifts I have received back.
  • The difference in my beliefs about what is considered a meal and the simplifying of my tastebuds lifestyle and environment
  • The amazing amounts of energy I have and the improvement and balance in my dancing.
  • The perspective and clarity it has given my life.
  • The yummy healing food I can now happily serve in my house and give to people as a gift of hospitality and love.
  • The new people I met and had a chance to engage with.
I would like to thank my partner in all this Cassie for spurring me on when I was detoxing, tired or craved chocolate, for our daily support and conversations about what we are feeling. The good example she has set for herself and the chance for me to learn her lessons as well as my own. Your a fabulous glowing goddess and this post is for you gorgeous!

We have proven that two normal teenage girls who love coffee, chocolate and ice cream can do it without feeling deprived or tired so go get it girls.

You can do it!

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