
Sunday, 4 September 2011

Journey Day 3/4 again

So yesterday was a learning curve for us both.
We learnt how you need to be prepared in every situation when you go out.
That is how not to cave. Although we don't consider this a failure in  our  goal it was a valuable and probably vital learning lesson in our journey of 100%  raw food.
The night before my friend was out at a bar after her performance was over and shared some chips with another model. She said they tasted like normal and they didn't taste bad. Our main curiosity about eating cooked food again was what will it taste like but obviously a week is too little to tell by our example.
And then I went to a pot luck dinner where I had a brought my big salad and raw dessert but everyone loved it so much that there wasn't as much as I thought there would be for myself. So I decided I would try little bits of a few of the other dishes. Not only did raw food go out the door but so did my food combining skills!
But I got better as the night went on and when my boyfriend and I went to see a friends performance at the local gay bar I found a substitute in soda water and freshly squeezed lime. Not amazing for raw food but better than water.

Today I have been very good in being prepared and resisting temptation while my boyfriend eats French crepes with tons of butter and the wafts of freshly ground coffee and baking swell around in the windy Wellington air. I brought fresh fruit, some dried fruit and nuts with raw dark chocolate, my spicy BBQ kale chips (Russel James) and bought some new tasty raw treats while we were out (which were DELICIOUS by the way).  So I didn't feel left out and to my surprise I was able to buy a freshly made juice at the markets at a coffee stall.

I have now learnt to be more prepared and its easier to constantly have a bit to nibble with you in case there isn't anything you can eat and feel like your ruining the social scene by not consuming anything.

This is all for today, will update you soon with days
Love and life coming your way!
P.S failed on making raw blueberry chocolate truffles but still made great pudding and virgin raw Pina Coladas taste awsome!

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